Encell Tech, a battery technology company that has set itself to build a better, greener battery to lower the cost of solar and wind energy, has relocated within Gainesville to their new dream location.

“We’ve been around 11 years and are a venture capital backed company currently in the testing phase,” said Chris Maier, CFO of Encell Tech. “We should come to the market in the next year or so.”

With a sixty day time frame and over 118 wheelers of equipment and chemicals to move, this property came at just the right time.

Drone Shot of Encell's New Property

“We wouldn’t have really survived without Eric’s help,” said Maier. “It would’ve cost over a million dollars and delayed our company timeline by a year or so and forced us to move out of state.”

To make matters worse, Encell had to jump around GRU Electrics expensive costs and stay within Dukes area when looking at property.

“We want to do full scale manufacturing so cost is very important to us,” said Maier. “It was going to be around fifty percent higher in GRUs area, which for a law firm isn’t a big deal, but for a battery company like us, it just wasn’t feasible.”

However, despite all of their troubles, Encell was able to find a new ideal place located near a big substation with ideal transformers and cooling that suits their needs.

“It was originally built for General Electric for batteries back in the sixties, which meant all the equipment and wiring was already in place,” said Maier. “It really was the perfect property for us.”

“It was great. He really saved the day. We wouldn’t have survived without him as we would have had to move out of state, possibly to Atlanta,” said Maier about his experience with Eric Ligman, the commercial realtor in charge of helping with the transaction.